Chapters in books
Richard Howells
C/O Department of Culture, Media and Creative Industries
King's College London
London WC2R 2LS
"Art, Controversy, and Power” in Outrage: Art, Controversy, and Society, edited by Richard Howells, Andreea Deciu Ritivoi and Judith Schachter (Center for the Arts in Society, Carnegie Mellon University), Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, pp. 19-46. ISBN 978-0-230-35397-8.
“Introduction” to Outrage: Art, Controversy, and Society, edited by Richard Howells, Andreea Deciu Ritivoi and Judith Schachter (Center for the Arts in Society, Carnegie Mellon University), Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, pp. 1- 16. ISBN 978-0-230-35397-8.
“Sorting the Sheep from the Sheep: Value, Worth and the Creative Industries” in The Public Value of the Humanities, edited by Jonathan Bate, London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic, Warwick Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities, 2011, pp. 232-243. ISBN 978-1-84966-471-4 (hardback) and 978-1-84966-062-4 (paperback). The chapter was competitively commissioned by the Arts and Humanities Research Council.
“Aaron Siskind” in The Encyclopedia of Twentieth Century Photography, New York and London: Routledge, 2006, pp. 1434-1438. ISBN 1579583938 (hardback).
“Beyond Lippmann: Media and the Good Society” in Education and the Good Society, edited by Fred Inglis, London: Palgrave, 2004, pp. 141-155. ISBN 0333802349 (hardback).